Global Master Trainer The Maestra offers Professional Bondassage and Elysium Practitioner training in Kelowna, BC, Canada.
In addition to being a Certified Bondassage and Elysium Trainer and Practitioner, my training and practice as a somatic sex coach and educator includes co-teaching the Sexological Bodywork Canada Professional Training, studying Sexological Bodywork Professional Training in Australia, Canada and California, and serving as Director of the Canadian Sexological Bodywork Coaching Program 2011. I have trained in massage, sacred sexuality through a Tantric lens, Energy Work, Healing Touch, and CranioSacral Therapy. In my Bondassage and Elysium sessions, I adhere to the code of professional conduct and ethics as established by the Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers www.sexologicalbodyworkers.org/ethics/ .
I bring to my practice over 25 years of experience as an educator as well as an ongoing commitment to personal and profession erotic learning. No work is more Joyful than supporting people in feeling at home in their bodies and their own sexuality. As a somatic sex coach and educator, education begins with my own learning. I educate first by living eros from the inside out, and then support people in doing the same in their own lives. I help people help themselves. I help them discover what is within them in their wholeness, right here, right now! With Bondassage And Elysium, I get to coach and support people of all genders in embracing and expanding their erotic explorations through BDSM.
Summer Package includes:
Training Package of Your Choice with sizzling tuition
Transportation to and from the Airport
Personalized dates will be considered.
Train with The Maestra
Travel to you for additional costs will also be considered.
Let’s talk!
Contact The Maestra at bondassagefreedom@gmail.com for more information.
Location: Kelowna,BC, Canada